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Marc Russell– Rocket Medical

Learning from real-life experience to grow into a national role

If you’re open to learning and being a little uncomfortable then I think TEC’s a great place to grow.

Having managed a sales team previously, stepping up to a national sales role gave Marc Russell a new challenge. He admits to lacking in certain business skills that were needed and, at the time, felt his hands were full constantly putting out fires, instead of having time to develop new sales strategies and boost team performance.

When exploring growth opportunities that were a good fit with his new role, Marc’s UK based CEO recommended joining TEC, that leaned heavily into real-life experiences, over completing an MBA.

‘You can do an MBA, or you could get into a room with several different business leaders that have had different experiences and they could add far more value than sitting in a lecture hall trying to just get some information from a book, you get a real-life experience.’

It gets lonely at the top

Being on my own in Australia, it was nice  to join the TEC community to connect with other people and understand different experiences. I know TEC’s primarily about business, but I feel very confident that I’m having a discussion as if I’m speaking to very close friend.

Since joining TEC, Marc’s learning to challenge the notion that leaders should have all the answers. He acknowledges that instead of having all the answers as a leader, he needs the right person or community to turn to for advice and to challenge his thinking.

You never stop learning

I’m sure some people think they don’t need to learn anymore. In these TEC groups you’ve got some really senior people that have led large organisations and they’re still there to learn, which just shows you can never, never be too experienced to learn something new.

Whether it’s from peers, expert resources or one-to-one mentoring, lifelong learning is a value that TEC members subscribe to. There’s always room for improvement with an open mindset.


I’ve had to do a lot of business planning and budgeting, something that prior to TEC I wouldn’t have had a clue where to start. Before I would never have had the resources to know how to put it together. The guidance through TEC has really helped.

Marc appreciates that TEC drives growth by giving members access to a resource-rich program made up of high-value perspectives, trusted peer advisory group meetings, one-to-one executive coaching, and world-class speakers and programs. Each of these layers can offer a little nugget of information that changes how he thinks and feels about situations. Discovering new perspectives has helped him get the most out of team members, which in turn supports the business.

About Marc Russell

Beginning his career as a sports physio therapist, Marc had a strong medical background for his transition into medical sales.

With the backing of over 12 years’ experience in various medical sales positions and a business degree, Marc said upon his promotion into leadership, he was clinically equipped but had room to improve on the business front. “You really learn as you go.”

As National Sales Manager for Rocket Medical, Marc knew he needed guidance in certain areas and jumped at the opportunity to join the TEC community.

Now heading the Australian and New Zealand arm of Rocket Medical, Marc gains valuable insights, advice, and tools to progress the business and his own professional development while equally contributing to the growth of his TEC peers.

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